Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Moral Values and Social Boundaries Essay
Thesis statement: Certain limits should be applied to the constitutional right of ‘Freedom of speech’ as it encourages ethnic speech (ethnically and racially discriminating talk) A restriction on free speech is very essential on college campuses. Political correctness is found to be a mere attempt to be sure that everybody on campus feels welcome and is able to learn as per. Certain limits should be applied to the constitutional right of ‘Freedom of speech’ as it encourages ethnic speech (ethnically and racially discriminating talk) in educational institutions. Racially offensive speech in US institutions has led to several problems. Ethnic speech is widely evident in educational institutions. Racial jokes and ethnic speech are also prevalent in work places. Ethnic speech creates inferiority complex in lower classes. It is also against the policies of affirmative action (Arthur, 2004). The reason for the unacceptability of racially offensive talk is that the intentions behind them are always bad. They do exploit racial stereotypes and the talk often becomes offensive. Limits on freedom of speech are justified as there is a big relation between freedom of speech and racial speech. Look more: ethnic group examples essay It is high time that we eliminate racially offensive talk from our society. For that the most important step is a restriction on the freedom of speech. The absence of limit on freedom of speech encourages racially offensive talk in college campuses in US (Arthur, 2004). Racially offensive humor is increasingly unacceptable and is based on the concept that certain ethnic groups are superior to others. Ethnically superior groups are of the belied that they do have very right to make fun at other inferior groups. The powerful faction has always assumed that they are superior to others in its race and culture. These ethnic groups will try to put down other inferior groups in order to strengthen their own group (Arthur, 2004). The superior group will thus feel no guilt in hurting the feelings of the inferior group. Ethnic and racial speech is generated out of this superior feeling and undermines the unity and cooperation prevailing in the society (Arthur, 2004). Had there been a limit on the freedom of speech, these kinds of racially offensive speech would have disappeared from the educational institutions in US. Even though freedom of speech is quite important as far as American society, a restriction on it is the real need of the hour. Uncontrolled speech may result in further segregation and racial classification. Offensive speech, of any form, should be discouraged so that it would not further create problems in the already segregated society. The panacea for all this is nothing but a limit on the freedom of speech (Arthur, 2004). Ethnic jokes are much prevalent in college campuses. Ethnic jokes exploit racial stereotypes. They are often racist and frequently offensive (Davies, 1982). Ethnic jokes are very popular and prevail in almost all societies. They do also play a great role in arising ethnic differences, exploitation and segregation. Ethnic jokes are targeted towards typical ethnic groups, possessing typical characteristics (Hughes, 1966). The usage of these kinds of jokes upgrades or degrades the value of a group in general and ignores the importance and uniqueness of the individual (Lorenz, 1963). Ethnic humor hurts the feelings of people as it leads to various segregations and discriminations (Davies, 1982). Racially offensive humor is increasingly unacceptable and is based on the concept that certain ethnic groups are superior to others. Ethnically superior groups are of the belied that they do have very right to make fun at other inferior groups (Dance, 1977). Ethnic humor is a powerful, destructive and senseless practice that is followed by one generation and transferred to the next generation. The powerful faction has always assumed that they are superior to others in its race and culture. These ethnic groups will try to put down other inferior groups in order to strengthen their own group (Davies, 1982). The superior group will thus feel no guilt in hurting the feelings of the inferior group. Ethnic humor is generated out of this superior feeling and undermines the unity and cooperation prevailing in the society. There are various biological and socio-cultural distinctions which people consider as a base to make ethnic jokes. They sometimes consider color of the skin (lightness or darkness) or other differentiating markers as base for making humor. They do consider various other ethnic differences and cultural variations (Hughes, 1966). No ethnic group has the right to make ethnic jokes against ant other ethnic group. Ethnic humor is always humiliating and insulting. It would only result in further segregation and racial classification. Ethnic groups, of any form, should be discouraged so that it would not further create problems in the already segregated society. Freedom of Speech is the boosting factor of ethnic speech in educational institutions. Institutional racism (systemic racism or structural racism) also prevail in our society. The white institutions are found to be reluctant to serve people of color (non-white minority). Institutions are historically set up to serve only white communities. These institutions function on the basis of race. They operate on the policy of segregation. Institutional racism is the concept that one race is superior to other. Organizations and institutions (both government and private) do racial discrimination, marginalizing the inferior faction. Even though the institutions exclusively for inferior race were technically illegal in America till 1863, our areas still have such institutions. These institutions offer their service only for superior faction and ill-treat students belonging to our community. Institutional racism is followed in all organizations, public bodies, educational institutions (universities) and corporations. Institutional racism influences almost all policies, processes and policies (in both governmental and public institutions). Institutions were historically set up to serve only white communities. These institutions function on the basis of race. They operate on the policy of segregation. Institutional racism is the concept that one race is superior to other. Organizations and institutions (both government and private) do racial discrimination, marginalizing the inferior faction. Institutions exclusively for inferior race were technically illegal in America till 1863. These institutions offer their service only for superior faction and ill-treat people of color. Legislations against racism have made institutional racism disappear to a good extent in United States. Ethnic speech in educational institutions is one of the worst sides of institutional racism. Freedom of speech is encouraging racial talk and ethnic humor. It is high time that we put a restriction on freedom of speech so that at least educational institutions are free from segregation. Colleges and universities have a moral obligation to ensure a peaceful, respectful learning environment for all students. It is therefore necessary to come down hard on speech code offenders. All employees and students should be able to enjoy and work in an educational environment free from discrimination and harassment. Harassment of any person or group of persons on the basis of race, color, nationality, origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, or veteran’s status is a form of discrimination that must be prohibited in all educational institutions. Employees, students, student organizations, or person privileged to work or study in the university community who violates this policy must be subject to disciplinary action. This will finally eliminate racial speech and discrimination from educational institutions. Harassment codes do not violate students’ First Amendment rights. A restriction on free speech is very essential on college campuses. Political correctness is found to be a mere attempt to be sure that everybody on campus feels welcome and is able to learn. References John Arthur, Morality and Moral Controversies: Readings in Moral, Social, and Political Philosophy, Prentice Hall, 2004. â€Å"A Question of Fairness†Ladies Home Jorunal, March 1996, p 17-20. Lubman, Sarah â€Å"Campus Admissions†Wall Street Journal, May 16, p81. Dance, Darryl. â€Å"Wit and Humor in the Slave Narratives. †Journal of Afro-American Issues. Spring, 1977: 125-134. Davies, C. â€Å"Ethnic Jokes, Moral Values and Social Boundaries. †British Journal of Sociology 33 (1982): 383-403. Hughes, Langston, ed. The Book of Negro Humor. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1966. Lincoln, Kenneth. Ind’in Humor. New York: Oxford, 1993. Lorenz, Konrad. On Aggression. Trans. Marjorie Kerr Willison. New York: Harcourt, 1963. Lowe, John. â€Å"Theories of Ethnic Humor: How to Enter, Laughing. †American Quarterly 38 (1986): 439-460. Rich, Frank. The New York Times 13 March 1994: IV, 17.
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