Wednesday, July 31, 2019

My Last Duchess and Othello, IV, iii

In the dramatic form, be it monologue, dialogue or full theatrical scene, the author cannot step into the action to comment or interpret for us, as he can in a novel.   We must draw our own conclusions from what we see and hear, and this makes for powerful effects, as a character reveals him- or herself to us by what he or she says or does.   In the monologue My Last Duchess Browning misleads us with great skill before we realize that we are listening to a criminal lunatic. The dramatic force lies in the surprise we feel as the truth finally emerges.   In Act IV, scene iii of Othello there is again an agonizing irony for the viewer, who knows more than Desdemona and is of course impotent to help her.   Shakespeare works like a dentist without an anaesthetic, and the pain for the audience derives from the unbearable innocence of the doomed Desdemona, who is surely something like the Duchess in Browning’s poem, helpless and bewildered in the face of a murderous insanity in her husband. Browning’s Duke sounds so sane!   He is wonderfully gracious and articulate – â€Å"Will’t please you sit and look at her?† (5).   As he tells his story he seems to weigh his words with great caution, as if he is quite free of the distorting power of anger or any other passion, and is keen to avoid any unfairness in his judgment: â€Å"She had / A heart – how shall I say? – too soon made glad† (21-2), â€Å"†¦but thanked / Somehow – I know not how – as if she ranked†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (31-2). He never raises his voice, and speaks with a measured confidence that quite takes us in. At first we might be tempted to believe that his attitudes are reasonable: â€Å"Sir, ‘twas not / her husband’s presence only, called that spot / Of joy into the Duchess’ cheek† (13-15).   His manner is restrained even as he hints at her infidelity.   The painter flattered her about her appearance, as of course he would, being a Renaissance artist totally dependent on patronage, but she was charmed by it – foolishly, the Duke suggests. â€Å"She liked whate’er / She looked on† (23-24).   She was delighted by the beauty of the sunset, and the little tribute from the man who gave her the cherries, just as much as â€Å"My favour at her breast† (25).   What he seems to be objecting to is her failure to be properly selective and aristocratic in her tastes.   This is a rather extreme sort of snobbery, but perhaps not unprecedented; we may not find it attractive, but we may accept it as a feature of a proud man with a â€Å"nine-hundred-years-old name† (33). All the time, Browning is luring us up the garden path.   We begin to detect the problem.   The Duke is immensely proud, a man of great heritage, while she is free of snobbery, charmed by the delights of the world and human kindness, and genuinely innocent. (Infidelity does not now seem to be the Duke’s concern.)   Then we begin to see how his pride is really pathological arrogance. â€Å"Even had you skill / In speech – (which I have not)† (35-36), (he lies, of course) to explain your objection to her behavior – which is clearly quite â€Å"normal† – it would involve â€Å"stooping, and I choose / Never to stoop† (42-3).   So, rather than speak to her about his dissatisfaction, which would involve impossible condescension by him, he chose to solve the problem rather more radically: â€Å"This grew; I gave commands; / Then all smiles stopped together† (45-6). It takes a moment for us to register what he did, so unbelievable is it and so evasively phrased.   Then, having confessed to murder, or, rather, boasted of it, he continues his negotiations for his next Duchess, celebrating, incidentally, one of his favorite art works, â€Å"Neptune†¦ Taming a sea-horse† (54-5), the very image of the brutal control that he has himself exerted over his innocent last Duchess. The willow scene from Othello works differently, of course, because it is a dialogue, though it is the inner workings of Desdemona’s mind that the dramatic form reveals here, just as much as is the case in Browning’s poem There is an almost intolerable pathos about this scene because Desdemona is so helpless.   She has a good idea of what is going to happen – â€Å"If I do die before thee, prithee shroud me /   In one of those same sheets† (24-5) and is impotent in the face of her fate. There seems to be no defence against the ruthless execution of Othello’s enraged will. She is in a sort of trance, a hypnosis of shock.   All she can do is wait for the end, and the pathetic simplicity of her reflections here is the sign of a wounded spirit in retreat from reality.   The tragic atmosphere is given additional poignancy by the occasional interruption of the everyday details of â€Å"undressing for bed†, the habitual continuing because there is nothing else to do in the face of the worst – â€Å"Prithee unpin me† (21). She continues at moments to pretend that this is just an ordinary night: â€Å"This Lodovico is a proper man† (35), not a comparison of Othello with her country forms, but a pathetic attempt at gossip. But her real thoughts emerge in the obsession with the willow song, which she cannot resist. It is the perfect mirror of her own fortune: â€Å"And she died singing it; that song tonight / Will not go from my mind† (30-1). Like a detail from a psychoanalyst’s casebook comes the unprompted line in the song that gives away the deepest thoughts of the willing victim. –Let nobody blame him, his scorn I approve, — Nay, that’s not next.   Hark!   Who’s that knocks? –It is the wind.† (51-3) She corrects herself, but the absolute terror of realisation goes through her. The heroic innocence of Desdemona is highlighted by her conversation with Emilia. While Desdemona genuinely believes that no woman could in fact commit adultery â€Å"for all the world† (63), and swears that she herself would not do it â€Å"by this heavenly light† (64), Emilia responds, â€Å"Nor I neither, by this heavenly light, / I might do it as well in the dark† (65-6), and goes on to consider just what â€Å"all the world† might mean as a reward for the sin. Emilia is not immoral. It is just that Desdemona is on a superhuman and heroic level of behavior, and Emilia is on the normal level.   Compared with Desdemona’s helplessness in the face of the corruption of Othello, Emilia’s jokes have an immensely remedial health.   It is not a criticism of Desdemona, but it is a firm placing of trust in the human by Shakespeare. We can imagine that what Desdemona feels and says is very close to the response of Browning’s Duchess.   Both of them are innocent and benevolent women faced by deranged men.   The creation of character and the realization of human dilemma in the dramatic form are forceful and, in these two cases, immensely painful for the audience or reader.   The form makes the reader peculiarly impotent in the face of disaster. We would like to stand up in the theatre and shout at the stage, like the lady in the famous story, â€Å"You great black fool, can’t you see she’s innocent?†      

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Proliferation of Interest Groups

ThÐ µ concÐ µrn about spÐ µcial intÐ µrÐ µsts is not a nÐ µw onÐ µ, as thÐ µ framÐ µrs of thÐ µ Constitution wÐ µrÐ µ worriÐ µd about it too. ThÐ µy fÐ µarÐ µd thÐ µ powÐ µr that could bÐ µ wiÐ µldÐ µd by organizÐ µd intÐ µrÐ µsts, yÐ µt thÐ µy undÐ µrstood that thÐ µ right to organizÐ µ was basic to thÐ µ notion of frÐ µÃ µdom. This dilÐ µmma of frÐ µÃ µdom vÐ µrsus powÐ µr was a tough onÐ µ for thÐ µm. ThÐ µy knÐ µw that if thÐ µ govÐ µrnmÐ µnt was given power to restrain organized interests it would be the same as the power to suppress freedom. This essay tries to answer whether proliferation of interest groups in recent decades a sign that the pluralist view of interest group representation is increasingly accurate or not. Interest group scholars began to note the proliferation of â€Å"outsider† groups at about the same time policy scholars began to question the utility of subgovernment theory. By the mid-1980s, it was widely acknowledged that the number of interest groups in the United States especially public interest groups–had exploded during the 1960s and 1970s (Walker, 1983). Pluralists had addressed the question of group mobilization years before the â€Å"advocacy explosion. † For example, in his The Governmental Process, David Truman argued that interest groups arise from two interrelated processes. First, societal change precipitates the emergence of new interests. Second, disturbances–political or economic upheavals disrupt stable patterns of interaction between individuals. In short, Truman argued that individuals with shared interests (reacting to social change and/or disturbances) band together (to stabilize relations among themselves, and between themselves and other societal interests) when these interests are threatened. By the late-1960s, Truman's â€Å"disturbance theory† had fallen into disrepute. Interest group scholars, spurred by Olson and drawing heavily upon Clark and Wilson's study of organizational incentives, began to examine how groups overcome the substantial barriers to mobilization. (Dine) While Olson emphasized material benefits, subsequent studies showed that solidary benefits (those derived from association in group activities) and purposive benefits (rewards associated with ideological or issue-oriented goals) also motivate group membership (Cook). Salisbury's exchange theory (which rests upon Olson's cost-benefit framework) is now the dominant paradigm for explaining group development (Cigler). Yet the basic â€Å"exchange theory† framework has a critical flaw: It underestimates the role of external patrons in group studies of group formation suggest that many groups –especially public interest groups –rely heavily upon patron â€Å"seed money. † For example, Walker found that 89% of (sample) public interest groups received â€Å"seed money† from foundations, large donors, the federal government, or corporations. He also found that many public interest groups rely heavily upon patrons for maintenance income. In general, public interest group proliferation has contributed mightily to the dissolution of subgovernments. There are number of factors that may help to explain both the proliferation of public interest groups and where public interest group activity is most likely. For example, pluralists argue that societal change and disturbances create conditions that foster group mobilization. In contrast, â€Å"exchange theorists† suggest that we examine group incentive structures and entrepreneurial activity to explain interest mobilization. In order to better understand the interest groups representation, one must understand the way the American government runs. There are many different systems of government structure and organization: representative democracy, pluralist democracy, elitist system, hyper pluralist, and anarchy. The United States is organized much like a typical representative democracy, but in operation, with all factors considered, it is in reality much more of a hyper pluralist society. A state in which members of diverse ethnic, racial, religious, or social groups maintain an autonomous participation in and development of their traditional culture or special interest within the confines of a common civilization is pluralistic. When those special interests form large substantial voting blocks, the pluralistic nature of the government becomes more focused on fewer interests, but represented in many areas by larger numbers of individuals. The other question you need to ask is what do mean when you say big or special interest, who and what are you referring to specifically, industries, such as oil or pharmaceutical, ethnic groups such as Hispanic or African-American, social groups such as the elderly or woman, political groups such as Democrats or Republicans or different religious groups. All of these are special interests, they just might not seem like a special interest group if you are part of them. (Ceaser) Probably the largest big interest group to consider is the political parties themselves. Political parties are the foundation of a representative democracy, acting as a â€Å"crucial link between what citizens want and what government does†. The party is supposed to represent the needs of its members and use the party platform to express these opinions. Through public elections, voters elect those people they feel will best represent them. The Democratic Party and the Republican are the two main parties in the US though other smaller parties emerge occasionally to better represent those who do not feel that they are accurately represented by either of the major parties, usually because of special interests that they have such as environmental or other issues. This structure is typical of a representative democracy in which people are represented by parties and vote for leaders that they feel will work towards their best interests. (Miroff) In reality, the party system is not fully representative or fully functional. On one hand, part of the democratic process allows for the emergence of new parties to represent the people. On the other hand, if the existing parties accurately represented the people then other parties would not be needed. People however do not believe completely in the process, which is evidenced by poor voter turnout and voter apathy. The United States has an extremely low average voter turnout of only 55%. The Constitution guarantees one vote to each citizen over the age of 18, male or female, black or white, etc. This is indicative of a representative democracy in which each adult citizen has an equal say in how the government should be run. If voters do not vote, then the level of representation becomes skewed and the system is not fully representational. (Dine) People associate with not the candidate but with groups that represent their thinking and a special interest. A perfect example of this would be the NRA. Voters might not have a lot of opinions but they might have one on gun control. Instead of voting for the person who best reflects his ideas, he votes for the one that the NRA endorses, which in turn makes the NRA and extremely powerful interest group, and can influence congressional votes. In elections, political parties frequently send out mailers to voters that show which candidates running for office, or which of the Senate and House members receive financial support from the NRA. This suddenly reduces the value of every member of Congress to whether or not they have accepted money from the National Rifle Association. This is in turn translated into an assumed meaning on their stand on gun control, while all other issues and stands that they have on those issues are suddenly made unimportant. Their total worth relates to their assumed position on guns. The government in this case is reflecting the will of the big interest even though it's a single issue. A politician who might reflect very little of his communities values, can be elected by that community by receiving the support of a single-issue influence group. (Berman, Murphy) So the question becomes is this single issue the interest of a big group or the common goal of the majority? Who is pressing the issue and which way is the government going. If large oil companies are â€Å"buying† officials with large contributions to campaigns, are they actually influencing the government or merely a handful of officials and do they actually dictate policy or just have a louder voice in the debates that effect their companies. Misinformation seems to be the guideline of all campaigns now so it becomes almost impossible to figure out just what the goal is of the candidate that you are voting for. Because of that, the elected officials sometimes don't have a true feeling on what the voters wanted him to do. The power then slides back to the inner circle, which includes advisors who have their own individual desires, and those who paid for his campaign and therefore have vast influence. (Muller) Special interest groups appear to have a great deal of influence in campaigns and in political activities. Campaigns are extremely expensive: in 1992, the average winner of a House election spent $550,000 on his/her campaign; the average Senator who won a race spent more than $4 million. Dine) Presidential campaigns run into the hundreds of millions. Eight years later those numbers are significantly higher. Major contributors to election campaigns are corporations and interest groups. While some people believe certain industries or interest groups â€Å"buy† candidates through election contributions, it is not that simple. Those candidates heavily funded by the Sierra Club or gro ups that are concerned with environmental protection, will vote in support of environmental conservation – they will vote to reduce logging and not to save the jobs of the individual loggers who did not vote. This is a sort of paradox because the elected leaders are representing those who voted for them and helped them into office, but this group is a large group of special interests rather than the individual citizens who probably did not contribute and did not even vote. When viewed in this way, the US electoral system does not seem to be fully representative of the people and is again reflective of a more hyper pluralist society. A system of government labeled as hyper pluralist, means that there is a rapid proliferation of interest groups, all competing for influence over policy. The interest groups tend to overshadow the interest of individuals. The interest groups are powerful and influential, but there are also interest groups for both sides of most issues. In their battle to win the political coups they each seek, there develops a competition in which the interest groups try to influence politicians to vote for their side. The result is that there are a number of politicians supporting each side of an issue, there are overlapping concerns that related to other interest groups, and the outcome is political gridlock. Usually at this point, for anything to happen, concessions must be made with the end result that if any law is passed, it has little real effect one way or the other. The other possibility is that neither side will make concessions or give up any power in which case there is still nothing accomplished. This is very much the system that we have today. Again, gun control laws are a very good example. Congress goes back and forth arguing the pros and cons of gun control. The NRA is a very powerful interest group that does not want any form of gun control. There are many other interest groups that fight to ban assault weapons, others that want a total ban on guns of all types, some only want handguns banned. The feuding between the different groups is played out through the politicians and very little has been accomplished. Even when a bill is passed, it is oven later overturned. All special interest groups find this ying and yang to the system. There is no large interest that doesn't have a competing self-interest. Abortion has choice. Industry has the Sierra Club and other environmental groups. The NRA has anti-gun groups. Most of all, Republicans have Democrats. There might be the illusion that the government has been taken over by the special interests and that they control everything, but as we have looked into it we see that the basis of the questions revolves around who exactly is the special interests. It seems to me that they are us. (Peters) And thus we come to the contradictory conclusion that pluralist view of interest group representation is not increasingly accurate. While the public's perception might be that special interest groups are robbing them of their rights, and in a narrow sense, when it comes to a particular interest that effects them, they may be justified, what the public doesn't usually understand is that the activity of interest groups is in fact acting out in the interest of them or their fellow citizens. The public further misconceives that special interests influence government, overlooking the fact that special interests are formed, as often as not, as a response to government and not in anticipation of it.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Difference Between Nurse Leaders and Nurse Managers Essay

Difference Between Nurse Leaders and Nurse Managers - Essay Example Nursing managers remain responsible for chairing of organizational meetings and determining the organizational projects, nursing leaders on their part work to determine the particular participation of unit nurses in particular organizational projects. Based on such a perspective, it is possible a nursing manager also becomes a nursing leader at the same time. As such, a clinical manager would as well step in to work as an in charge nurse and perform the necessary roles associated with a nursing leader such as the application of fairness in dealings with people. In most instances, nursing leaders lack management position but still perform to the satisfaction of the concerned parties in a similar manner of a nursing manager. Such roles include assigning of nurses on different roles and responsibilities depending on an individual’s ability to complete such tasks. On a similar perspective, it is possible that a nursing manager becomes a leader. As such, the nursing leaders would be in a position to influence control over other nurses such as giving them directions (Finkelman, 2012). Additionally, a nursing leader must not be in a management position in order to perform effectively. Generally, all nurses need to be leaders by default, with appropriate qualities of effective performance.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Department of Agriculture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Department of Agriculture - Research Paper Example This rule proposes changing the marketing agreements that are established between packers and suppliers through the changing of judicial precedent. Ultimately this would make it easier for suppliers to sue in the Packers & Stockyards Act Lawsuit. Furthermore, this act would make it less likely that a packers union to utilize such an agreement. In the end, it was postulated that most, Cattle, Pig & Poultry producers as well as meat & poultry processors oppose this regulatory change. In the past, these marketing agreements help livestock producers manage volatile changes in prices through the establishment of long term contracts. In many respects it has been argued that these long term agreements only benefit large packing concerns and by banning these agreements it becomes easier for smaller packers to compete and ultimately create more bidding pressure on cattle, pig & poultry producers. Although this sounds great on paper the experience in reality may not be the same. Many producers favor long term agreements owing to a great deal of uncertainty in the price of livestock. The paper demonstrated that the price of livestock is 500% more volatile than the price of meat. ... This (Theoretically) would lead to a decreased demand for meat. The cascading effect may not only lead to overall drop in demand for meat and meat byproducts but could also lead to a decline in the quantity of jobs in the industry. If producers would not be allowed to enter into long term marketing agreements, ultimately there would be a 500% more volatile would translate to higher uncertainty in the market and make it difficult to guarantee long-term stable employment. Currently there are more than 14 million people looking for employment in the United States and this regulatory change would theoretically remove approximately 21,000 stable jobs from the worker pool. The implications from this would be a strongly negative effect on the American economy. Moreover one could postulate that these changes would also have a negative effect on the long term prospects of stable employment for retailers as well. With increased prices of meat products this may reduce the overall profitability of meat products at the retail level. Lastly this uncertainty would lead to a difficulty in the production of quality production products such as raising U.S. Prime or top end U.S. Choice. Without a guarantee that top quality livestock will receive a profitable price, than it may be the case that many ranchers will focus their efforts away from breeding higher quality cattle and move towards more generic cattle. In terms of trickle down effect one can expect some negative consequences for suppliers to the cattle, pork and poultry industries. As there is less incentive to produce high quality livestock one can expect a negative consequence for growers of

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Etiology and Treatment of Schizophrenia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Etiology and Treatment of Schizophrenia - Essay Example This essay demonstrates a discussion, that represents the symptoms of the disorder, and of its etiology and treatment. Schizophrenia is a disorder that is distinguished by a major disruption in cognition and emotion, influencing the primary areas of language, thought, perception, affect, and self-concept. The range of symptoms, while various and extensive, usually includes psychotic manifestations, such as hearing internal voices or experiencing other sensations of unconventional importance to normal events or upholding fixed false personal beliefs. There is no one single symptom that makes diagnosis conclusive; instead, such diagnosis covers a pattern or an aggregate of signs and symptoms, that concurrently occur with occupational or social malfunction. Treatment options are frequently related to the clinical phases of schizophrenia, namely the acute phase, stabilizing phase, stable phase, and recovery phase. When possible, this essay links available information to these treatment p hases. Although the Schizophrenia PORT study recommendations are based in research, it may be worth noting that treatment practices fail to comply with these recommendations. The troubling gap between knowledge and practice are attributed to the many barriers that exist in the transfer of information about treatment practice to clinicians, family members, and service users. And yet, the most effective interventions remain to be those that prove to be potent combinations of biological and behavioral treatment approaches.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Organizational Behavior & Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organizational Behavior & Leadership - Essay Example One of the major concerns prevailing in the company is that there is no expert in conducting professional performance evaluation. The previous engineer was very expert in conducting the evaluation, but he has left the company due to clashing personalities. The plant manager, presuming that he or others in the company, may not be able to conduct the evaluation, is thinking to skip the annual performance review, and this seems to be another big concern in the company. What makes him think of skipping the review was that the previous engineer left the company claiming that there would be none to do annual performance evaluation. In the current evaluation form of the company, another serious concern is taking decision regarding rating the engineers. The engineer feels friendliness as superior and he therefore would give medium rating on that aspect. Moreover, giving rating on personal qualities and attitudes also will be quite difficult for the engineer. In performance evaluation, the ma nagement should evaluate an employee’s outcomes such as quantities he produced, scraps he generated etc. Management is also expected to evaluate the behaviour of employees especially when they face difficulty to evaluate and identify the contribution of each group member. The third criteria is trait whereby individual traits are to be identified and evaluated. Traits such as attitude works, confidence in completing the tasks, dependence, being busy in work, positive approach etc are therefore related to various work tasks and they are to be evaluated by the management. Advantages and disadvantages of including supervisors, peers and subordinates in the performance evaluation Out of various performance evaluation methods in place today, 360-degree feedback is getting wider popularity among organizations. 360-degree method of evaluation is a latest approach to evaluating the performance from all different customers of an employee. A customer of an employee can be any or all of the manager, supervisors, bosses, peers, friends, clients, subordinates etc. Though present engineers in the case study scenario were not experienced in performance evaluation, they are confident in conducting 360-degree evaluation and they even found that it will be an effective technique for analyzing and evaluating the performance of engineers in the company. The main aim of 360-degree evaluation method is to pool the feedback from all of the customers of an employee. His customers are top manager, other levels of managers, suppliers, subordinates, clients, peers and other department representatives. By adopting the 360-degree performance evaluation, the organization hoping to give everyone a sense of participation in reviewing and evaluation processes and this in turn helps the manager gain more accurate information about the performance of employees (Robbins and Judge, 2011, p. 567). While adopting this method, engineers in the company, for instance, may be able to gain opinion s from various groups in relation to how is the work outcomes, attitudes, behaviour and traits of a particular employee. Many organizations that adopt 360-degree evaluation don’t spend sufficient time in training and educating the parties

How can cities become more sustainable Compare and contrast cities in Essay - 1

How can cities become more sustainable Compare and contrast cities in the developed world and cities in the developing world - Essay Example Most of these cities had less than one million population in the beginning of 19th century; that surpassed to more than 10 millions in subsequent periods causing great distress on resources of water, clean air, energy. Situation in some of the cities in developing countries such as Shanghai, Mumbai or Sao Paulo is different. The density of these urban centers is more than double of that seen in the London or New York. All these cities are growing at the rate of 2 to 6 percent per annum and likely to cause further stress on the resources and derail the ecosystem. If this continues, the sustainability of the cities is in jeopardy unless some new ways are found. Cities in the Developed World London, Paris, California, New York all have become the huge unrestrained consumption centers of cheap energy and profligate material supplies that has caused ecological imbalances in those countries. As mentioned by Rees, William (2009) in Scientific American in its March issue, â€Å"Politicians and planners have shaped cities with no regard for resource use or ecological concerns. Over the years building and infrastructure have consumed more than 40 percent of material and a third of energy.† He warns that all this must end. ... Rees is of the opinion that sprawling land areas for living increase the energy need by way of unnecessary transportation for work and shopping. Reliance on automobiles and cars should be reduced by providing path ways for cycling, and walking. Public transport system should be made efficient to avoid the use of personal vehicles. Recycling of used materials is a necessity and that should be done to lessen the use of fresh material so that natural resources can be conserved for a longer period of time. Cogeneration of electricity and waste heat recovery is need of a day to reduce per capita consumption of fresh energy. Energy efficiency and renewable energy are the good propositions but the big question is that city like San Francisco releases 78 percent of its greenhouse gases from the cars and transportation and only 17 percent from buildings and this is true for all major cities of North America. The solution essentially lies at using mass transit system and eliminating the use of personal vehicles as much as possible. Personal vehicle density in most of the US cities is so high that this is a single most cause of green house gases across all major US and cities of Europe. And solution lies in reducing or eliminating the use of these personal vehicles that can help reduce the green house emissions drastically and put the eco system in balance. Cities of Developing World In contrast to the cities of developed economies, there are cities of developing countries such as Sao Paulo, Shanghai, and Mumbai, where issues are, more than green house gases, inadequate availability of potable water, absence of proper sanitation facilities to slum dwellers, and cleanliness. More than one million people is said to have been living in slum area within

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Case study Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Case study - Coursework Example The failure to do this is the reason why Alisi’i cannot gainsay whatever Ed says, since Ed is her boss. Mei can also not speak up for the same reason (Marynissen, 2011, 194). The task maintenance role that Ed plays is managing the financial, health and safety aspect of the project. Alisi’i will have to keep the accounting records of the project as Mike looks for the most pocket-friendly package for the project. Mary represents the clients while Wirimu oversees the process entirely carried through. Mei may help install the heat pumps. The four problems Wirimu is facing are: the big man syndrome in the meeting (as is epitomized by Ed); inordinate balancing of power among the project members; the presence of hardliners; and lack of proper communication. The major problem is the sharp difference in opinion concerning the installation of the heater, as the way to solving extreme temperature variations. The solution is making sure that the members of the project team are equal in authority and calling for a compromise in the team. It is the best decision that Wirimu has allowed the team to email him. This will help the team carry out a consensus to determine the way forward. GameZ new organisational culture can be described as bet your company culture. This is because GameZ is taking on new approaches such as removing Friday evening shouts, appointing three senior employees in a less competitive manner and being emphatic on the organisation’s profitability without factoring unforeseen consequences. The possible reason for Jane’s behaviour may be the detection of performance gap, at the end of the fiscal year. The link between culture and communication is complementary in nature. Organisational culture is relayed through communication, while proper organisational culture fosters democratic dissemination of information hierarchically and horizontally. To develop proper organisational culture, it is

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Victoria Kite Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Victoria Kite Company - Essay Example Total collections $47200 $66100 $51500 January February March Schedule c: Purchases Budget Desired ending inventory $0 $0 $0 Cost of goods sold $20950 $37500 $19000 Total needed $60000 $37500 $19000 Beginning inventory $39050 $0 $0 Purchases $20950 $37500 $19000 Schedule d: Disbursements for Purchases 100% of previous month's purchases $23050 $20950 $37500 March 31 accounts payable $19000 Financial Statements Exhibit I VICTORIA KITE Budgeted Statement of Cash Receipts and Disbursements For the Three Months Ending March 31, 2005 January February March Cash balance, beginning $5000 $5000 $10850 Minimum cash balance desired $5000 $5000 $5000 (a) Available cash balance $0 $0 $5850 Cash receipts and disbursements: Collections from customers (Schedule b) $47200 $66100 $51500 Payments for merchandise (Schedule c) $35550 $37500 $19000 Rent $8050 $250 $250 Wages and salaries $15000 $15000 $15000 Miscellaneous expenses $2500 $2500 $2500 Dividends $1500 $0 $0 Purchase of fixtures $0 $0 $3000 (b) Net cash receipts & disbursements ($154000) $10850 $11750 Excess (deficiency) of cash before financing (a + b) ($15400) $10850 $17600 Financing: Borrowing, at beginning of period $15400 $0 $0 Repayment, at end of period $0 $0 $15400 Interest, 10% per annum $0 $0 $385 (c) Total cash increase (decrease) $15400 $0 ($15785) from financing (d) Cash balance, end (beginning balance + c + b) $5000 $10850 $7665 Exhibit II VICTORIA KITE Budgeted Income Statement For the Three Months Ending March 31, 2005 Sales (Schedule a) $175000 Cost of goods sold (Schedule...Thus, the JIT philosophy is an elimination of non-value adding activities in the company's supply chain to boost manufacturing efficiency, driving down cost, and ensuring maximum customer satisfaction by driving down prices of commodities. This report will look at the feasibility and compatibility of this system to the company's current operations. Since these factors can be best measured quantitatively, this report will present a master budget utilizing the company's assumptions. Part 1 will provide the schedule of Victoria Kite's sales budget, cash collections, purchases budget and disbursements. The next part looks at the impacts of JIT to the company's financial performance by providing a pro-forma income statement, cash flow, and balance sheet for the first quarter of 2005. The financial statements presented in Exhibits 1-3 shows that JIT will bring in profits and incremental shareholder

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Canadian Photographer Edward Burtynsky Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Canadian Photographer Edward Burtynsky - Essay Example The current debates regarding global environmental conservation and sustainable living have substantially drawn inspiration and encouragement from Burtynsky’s images and photographs. After being awarded TED prize in 2005, one of his important wishes was the establishment of an environmental conservation website that will help young children to learn and develop the habit of going green at their tender age (TED, 2). This paper discusses the life of Edward Burtynsky, as well as his contributions to industrial landscape photography. Burtynsky was born in 1955 in Ontario, Canada. His parents were immigrants from Ukraine and at the age of 11, his father bought cameras and a dark room for making largely black and white photographic prints. He studied photography and graphic arts in his hometown and first attained a diploma in graphic arts at Niagra College before graduating with a degree in photographic arts at Ryerson University. Burtynsky’s interest in landscape photography was particularly inspired by his childhood experiences such as exposure to the areas around the General Motors plant where his father worked. He consequently developed a strong passion for the global industrial landscape and began to explore most parts of the industrial world to identify and photograph some of the unique industrial and manufacturing landscapes. With the recent technological advancements and industrial development, nature has significantly transformed and this is the central theme of Burtynsky’s works. The photographic works of Burtynsky have been exhibited both in solo, as well as in numerous group exhibitions across several parts of the United States, Canada, Asia, and Europe. Additionally, some of his famous prints are currently housed in corporate, public, as well as in private collections in several parts of the world. The major museums that exhibit Burtynsky’s works include the Canadian National Gallery, Guggenheim Museum in New York and Biblioth eque Museum in Paris (Koch 2). Generally, throughout his career as an artist, Burtynsky was awarded several fellowships and awards. Most of the famous artworks were photographic images of landscapes that had been altered by industrial development. For example, some of the sites depicted in the photographs included quarry sites, mine tailings, and scrap piles. The beauty of Burtynsky’s photographs was particularly achieved through the contrast and tension created by depicting compromised environments. He also toured several parts of the world, including China, to photograph some of the landscapes that had been altered by industrial development and construction industry such as the Three Gorges Dam. The success of Burtynsky’s artistic photography was large as a result of the numerous experiences he accumulated that ranged from ranged from exposure to various images and sites to photographic work development. As a result, his photographic imagery explored the intimate lin k between industry and nature by combining the various elements of manufacturing, mining, quarrying, oil production, shipping, as well as water recycling. Most of these places provided unique scenery which depicted beauty and a sense of humanity which significantly contrasted with the expectations of the viewers. The images and landscape photographs of Edward Burtynsky were diverse and mostly ranged from altered landscapes due to industrial activity, mountains, mining sites, and rivers.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The God of Small Things Arundhati Roy Essay Example for Free

The God of Small Things Arundhati Roy Essay In chapter seven of The God of Small Things Arundhati Roy uses Rahels encounter of the Wisdom Exercise Notebooks to underlie many recurring themes throughout the novel. Through setting, imagery, and symbolism, Roy is able to further establish the impact of neglect and abandonment on the Ipe family relationships, and on Indias traditional society as a whole. The passage is set in Pappachis study, which is created as a metaphor for Indian society at the time. India, experiencing all the post-colonial social influences of the West, is amidst a social and political revolution heavily defined by the central caste system. Pappachi, a stereotypical capitalist devotee, followed a career in entomology-classifying his mounted butterflies and moths in the same way he categorizes humans by status. His study used to be his hub of career achievements and a sanctuary for Western knowledge; essentially it was his attestation of superiority. Over time the records of his progress, further represented by his leather-bound set of The Insect Wealth of India, rot as burrowing Silverfish reduce the books from organized information into yellow lace. His attributes are insignificant now. Roys elaborated image of the abandoned setting as rank with fungus and disuse parallels the corruption and failure of India in its current social state. The diction in the word rank, however, suggests a double entendre with the more direct denotation of the word referring to status and class. It is as if Roy is blaming the state of the study on the social injustice of society. The once beautiful, delicate butterflies and moths are a perfect example of the small things in society that are often disregarded, or merely used to the advantage of the more powerful big things. Captured and confined, the insects have eventually disintegrated into small heaps of iridescent dust that powdered the bottom of their glass display cases. The luminous quality associated with the diction in the word iridescent and the passive tone in the word powdered remind the reader of their past splendor. Having undermined and forgotten the insects for too long, the pins that had impaled them are left naked. The laws that once kept Indias social order are now merely empty restrictions, subjected to a population rid of its beauty and innocence. The artificial connotation of neon-green hula hoop is compared to a saints discarded halo-the oppressed saint of the people. This theme of Indias social structure is continued through the imagery of the column of shining black ants. When describing the ants, Roys allusion to the line of mincing chorus girls in a Busby Berkeley musical hints at Berkeleys renowned parade of faces technique in which he individualized each chorus girl with the tribute of an esteemed close-up. The buffed and beautiful procession is given similar qualities to the butterflies and moths, but this time the ants are recognized individually and equally-representing the powerful upcoming communist parade of Indias lower class. The way in which Rahel interacts with the study describes her role in her family, and in society. Rahels clear footprints against the dust of the floor contrast her vivid presence with her grandfathers forgotten past. Her highlighted path leading from the door to the table (dragged to the bookshelf) to the stool (dragged to the table and lifted on to it) marks her organized determination in recovering her own past. Her initial lack of size and shape in her life shows how her lack of participation in Indias social battle allows her to maintain her a clean, carefree outlook on life. However, when it becomes clear that she is searching for something, the half-moons under her eyes are noticed and the team of trolls is waiting on her horizon. The half-moons suggest her weariness in searching for purpose in her life. The negative connotation of trolls foreshadows the adverse future consequences of the size and shape that her life does eventually acquire. The current uncertainty of that size and shape is shown through her arbitrary collection of items (a smooth seashell, a spiky one, a plastic case for contact lenses, an orange pipette, a silver crucifix). The lack of focus in her life is partly related to her separation from Estha. On his return, Rahel once again reveals the hidden things from the past that she tried to forget. The main object, Baby Kochammas rosary, is a symbol for Baby Kochammas dead dream of winning love. As each greedy bead grabbed its share of sun it casts a contrasting dark shadow, much in the same way Rahel views Baby Kochamas selfish lifestyle as having drained the rest of the family of their happiness and well being. By stealing it, she was punishing Baby Kochamma. While revisiting the past, Rahel also encounters something else. The Wisdom Exercise Notebooks her mother, Ammu, had given them were tattered but still intact. Ammu, like Rahel, had had the idea of hiding the past, and denying its influence on the future. Estha, although remaining speechless, has a significant impact on further establishing the themes of rejection and negligence. Consumed by the thoughts of trains, a metaphor for abandonment, Estha makes an Estha-shaped Hole in the Universe. Estha is merely a walking shadow of life. Much like the rosary, he blocked the light; he is present in the world only by his contrast to life itself. Estha is the embodiment of the idea of death of dreams. Since his childhood, his visions have been lucid but he has lacked control over his life in the same way his handwriting showed signs of struggle for control over the errant, self-willed pencil. Life has objectified him and his once inimitable relationship with Rahel, treating the twins as library books-stories to simply be borrowed and returned. He is angry at life for abandoning him, for straying from its expected course, and most of all for not letting him go-for keeping him pinned down like the empty spaces of the once beautiful butterflies and moths. The passage explores many of the prominent themes evaluating Indias social society throughout The God of Small Things. On a more internal note, it further establishes the complex relationship of Estha and Rahel as they uncover the past and face its inevitable impact on the future. Although stolen and hidden for many years, the past, as Rahel realizes, is still here. It always will be, reminding them of the love and life they had, of the mistakes and dreams they lost, and of the challenges they still face.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Principles and Practices of Management Behaviour

Principles and Practices of Management Behaviour An autocratic manager makes decisions without the consultation of others workers, rather serving as a dictator type in communicating orders because they like to be in control of situations. This style of management guides to work getting done on time because there are less people implicate in the decision making process. The problem with this style is that the staffs are going to eventually lost motivation to work. Paternalistic is a leadership style which is quite dictatorial, decisions are taken in the best interests of the workers. This style is known as consultative management. This process can take a bit longer as there are more voices to be heard. The other side of this style of management and leadership is that workers may feel that you do not value their opinion or are too rigid if after all of the feedback is received you go off and make the decision in your own without incorporating of their feedback. Democratic leadership implicates running a business on the basis on the majority of decisions. A democratic manager is willing to share work with the staff by relegate it to get the job done. Staffs love this type of management style in business because they feel involved and part of the process. In democratic style the job performance is probably to be better than in an autocratic setting. This style has close links with McGregors theory X and Y. All this styles have advantages and disadvantages such as: Autocratic styles advantages: quick decision making, effective when employing many low skilled workers; disadvantages: no two-way communication Paternalistic styles advantages: more two-way communication so motivating, workers feel their social needs are being met; disadvantages: slow down decision making, still quite a dictatorial style. Democratic style advantages: useful when complex decisions are required that needs specialist skills; disadvantages: mistakes or errors can be made if workers are not skilled enough. According to Chemers M.(1997) in his book An integrative theory of leadership, Leadership has been described as a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common emerged. Leadership is composing a group of people to achieve common goals. Leadership is important because help to maximise efficiently an organisation and also help the organisation to achieve the goals. Leadership characteristics are: Proactive vs. reactive (a leader is always thinking three steps ahead). Flexible/Adaptable (a good leader will adapt to new surrounding and situations, doing his/her best to adjust). A good communicator Respectful (treating others with respect will ultimately earn respect). Quiet confidence Enthusiastic (when a leader is motivated and excited about the cause people will be more inclined to follow). Open-minded (a leader work to consider all options when making decisions). Resourceful (a leader must to create access to information). Rewarding (an exceptional leader will recognize the efforts of others and reinforce those actions). Well educated (knowledge is power). Open to change (a leader will take into account all points of view and will be willing to change a policy, program, cultural tradition). Interested in feedback (view feedback as a gift to improve) Evaluative (evaluation of events and programs is essential for n organisations to improve or progress). A strong team Theory X and Y was write by Douglas McGregors Theory X leaders believe that: People should be controlled and directed and punished, if necessary, to put them in a real effort at work the workers want to avoid responsibility and has little ambition most of the workers dislike work Theory Y leaders believe that: working is as natural as play or rest for the average workers workers seek responsibility most of employees have creativity and imagination which may be helpful for organisations to achieve their goals The Hertzberg hygiene factors are: supervision, company policy, relationship with supervisor, relationship with peers, and relationship with subordinates, personal life working conditions, status, and security. Evaluate communication processes in selected businesses Communication is the activity of transfer information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behaviour. Communication is transmitting of information from one person to another. The importance of effective communication is immense in the world of business and in personal life. The communication process begins with the sender and ends with the receiver. The perfect guide toward achieving effective communication is the process of communication Most of us spend about 75 per cent of our hours awake communicating our knowledge, thoughts, and ideas to others people. Verbal communication refers to the use of sounds and language to relay a message. Effective verbal communication is dependent on number of factors and cannot be fully isolated from other important interpersonal skills such as non-verbal communication, listening skills and clarification. Non-verbal communication includes facial expression, eye contact, tone of voice, body posture and motions, positioning within groups. It may also include the way we wear our clothes or the silence we keep. Porters division of non-verbal communication: Physical (this is the personal type of communication); Aesthetic (this is the type of communication that takes place through creative expressions); Signs (this is the mechanical type of communication); Symbolic (type of communication that makes use of religious, status); Static features of non-verbal communication Distance Orientation (side to side, face to face) Posture (standing, seating, legs crossed) Physical contact (touching, holding and shaking hands) Dynamic features of non-verbal communication: Facial expressions (smile, raised eyebrow) Gestures (hand movement) Looking (eye contact) Communication styles: rational, emotive and intuitive Rational communication focuses on objective information data, encourages listening carefully to the ideas and focuses on facts and information, this communication is less comfortable with feeling discussions, in this types of communication prefers to take turns when talking, and there is less variation in tone or gestures. Emotive communication focuses on feelings and tends to be more people oriented and passionate, wide variation in tone and gesture, this type of communication can be interrupt while others are speaking, the same there are feelings in voice and regardless of volume, the decisions are announced in terms of how they will affect people. Intuitive communication is focuses on knowing that comes from experience, decisions are announced without justification, increased experience can lead to more rapid decision making. Communication styles change, depending on the situation and our goals and each of the communication style is used at some point in our lives. We can define top-down communication such as a method of issuing commands or orders within a business using a hierarchical structure. Top-down communication affords a companys managerial structure to control the information and protect that each employment level has necessary information to get done the tasks. The disadvantage of this communication is the risk of orders getting lost in translation; this can cause trouble in a companys project development. We can define bottom up communication such as trebuie sa caut informatie Formal communication is used in professional setting, in this types of communication slang is not use, pronounce of words is correctly. In informal communication we can use slang, can be used short version of words, this type of communication is used with friends and family. Analyse organisational culture and change in selected businesses Organisational culture mains the personality of the organisation, the way the things are done .Organisational culture refers to the fundamental values, beliefs and codes of practice that make a business. Culture according to Schein is A pattern of shared basic assumptions that a group learns as it solves problems. Culture organisation have an important role, the organisation that have strong cultures are capable of increasing revenue, profitability and shareholder value. The same organisation with strong culture finds it easy to change and adapt to market demands. Organisational culture is a focus on culture and process with specific encouragement of collaboration between leaders and members. It is a focus on the human and social side of the origination. Culture has three levels: The artefacts (behaviour of group members) Espoused values (how deal with issues and problems) Basic underlying assumptions Types of organisational culture are: power culture, role culture, task culture and person culture. Power culture depends on central force and a beam of influence from the central figure throughout the organisation, small entrepreneurial organisations. Role culture bureaucracy and works by logic and rationality, role is more important than individual, position is the main source of power. exemple tb sa caut Task culture job and project oriented organisation Personal culture, the individual is in the central focus, when a group of people decide that it is in their own interests to band together. For organisations that manage change effectively, change itself becomes the driving force that leads to future success and growth (Hamlin, Keep and Mullins and Christy,2011). Change is an inevitable and constant feature, an organisation can perform effectively only through interactions with the broader external environmental of which it is part. Factors that influence change in culture are such as: Economic conditions Government interventions Political interests Development in technology Globalisation Other forces of change could be: Demand for high quality goods Customer service Workforce changing nature The main pressure of change is from external forces. Planned change represents an international attempt to improve of the organisation. The objectives of change are: Improving the ability of the organisation Modifying the behavioural patterns of members of the organisationsa mai caut informative sau sa ma uit la handouts Organisational structure is a framework of order and command through which the activities of the organisation can be planned, directed and controlled. The structure defines tasks and responsibilities. Structure is important to any kind of organisation. The objectives of structure are: the economic and efficient performance, monitoring the activities, flexibility in order to respond to future demands. There are three types of organisational structure: Tall hierarchical( large organisation tend to have this type of structure, a tall structure have many different levels of employees all reporting at the top to team leaders and then up to operational management, also have a wide chain of command with narrow set of control. Disadvantage of this type of organisational structure can often lead to slower communication channels and decision-making. Flat hierarchical (is an organisational structure that has fewer layers of management and wider spans of control, this types of structure of organisation gives workers more responsibility for decision-making, and the also we have more motivated workforce. Advantage of this structure is that the business to change rapidly to respond to the market.) Matrix (is the combination of the flat structure with tall structure for the business in order to meet its goals. Matrix structure often is used for specific project). Change management is the set of tools, skills and the processes for managing the people leading to achieve the goals of organisation. LO2 Be able to review own potential as a prospective manager 2.1 Assess own management skills performance For managers to be effective, they must have good management skills. The management skills will ensure that he/she can effectively direct, guide, and delegate. The management skills pyramid: Level 1-this level is basic management skills and includes planning, organizing, directing and controlling. Level 2-build on training and couching, motivational, and employee involvement skills. Level 3-are more complex, developing management career and provides opportunities to advance. Most important management skills are: Project management skills (ability to plan, organize, budget and manage the resources); Time management skills (control of most valuable resource, delegate tasks in minimal time, creating schedules for day/week/month, allocating time according to the task at hand); Conflict management skills (skills to resolve the issue, negotiating and mediating); Self-management skills (ability to make decisions as needed, goals setting, prioritize, self-evaluation, self-motivation, positive attitude); Team management skills (delegate to your team, motivate your team, develop your team, communicate with team); Stress management skills (monitoring performance and behaviour, incorporating effective time management to prevent stress, motivation); People management skills (listening, be motivating and inspiring, handle conflict situations, ask questions that are insightful); Office management skills (storage data, monitor and evaluate the work process, accounting and marketing, budget development); Change management skills (talking to people, being real, be passionate, monitoring progress, critical thinking); The guide line for an effective CV is: Personal details: name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, nationality Personal statement, a two-three sentence overview with exceptional qualities and future plans Key skills and abilities Work experience with reverse chronological order(date, organisation name, responsibilities, achievements) Education with reverse chronological order( date, institution, achievements) Hobbies and interests

The Development Of A Barbershops Business Plan Commerce Essay

The Development Of A Barbershops Business Plan Commerce Essay A plan how to start a barbershop includes some things to be done prior to the start of the business. To start the business you need to know how it will be financed. The business needs a location that will help the customer access it with a lot of ease thus making it grow. The business needs to also to meet legal requirements. That is, it should be licensed and meet the standard required by relevant authority. The business plan should show how the business would expand. This is where the growth strategies are stipulated. The plan should also see to it that the competitors are well known to ensure that one gets the market share that the business will be operating. It is also analyzes the financial statement of a business helps to show at a glance the viability of the business. This may also be used to apply for a loan when need. All this is done by well understanding of the market by first doing market survey. This will help in setting up of the business at the right location. In addition, the business management will be able to put competitive prices for their products. Introduction A barbershop is a business unit that deals with glooming of hair. It is such a sustainable business as hair glooming is more of a basic need than a luxury. People will always need it. Styles may be short lived, but haircut is here to stay. This poses barbershop to be one of the most promising businesses that if well managed is liable of doing very well. Unlike in many businesses, customer retention in barbershop business is very high. Customers is should be well served to like the service of a barber. They will rarely go anywhere else once they are satisfied by the service. If good service is provided, ones customer will always come as far as the location of the barbershop I convenient to them. Barbershops are kind of businesses that acquire their customer through the word of mouth. One can start this business for fan but ends up being very rewarding in terms of cash (Moran Johnson 61). Ownership Once one gets an ideal of starting a business, the most important thing is to know how the business will operate in term of ownership. The business can be a sole proprietorship where one person operates it. This is where the owner of the business is an overall boss and enjoys all the profits and has no one to share with the business loss. He therefore manages the business with the help of people he/she has recruited who are all answerable to him. The owner makes sure that the business works in line with its goals that will help meet business objective. The business formation may take a partnership direction. This is where two or more people come together having the same motive and idea of starting of the business. The day-to-day running of the business is done consultatively among them. The profit is shared according to the level of share that one holds in the business. The loss is shared equally among them also. For all the decision that affects the business, there must be consultation among all stakeholders and no action is taken before they get to a consensus (Juuso, 66). The barbershop can also be in for of a company. The company may be private or public. In private company, the shareholders are defined and the company owners decide on whom to be shareholder while in the public company any bodies can a shareholder. The company requires seven people to fifty for a private company and limitless for a public company. To form an organization, due legal process is followed according to rules and regulation of federal government to meet international standards. The company is learnt by board of governors on behalf of the members. They improvise rules and regulations that are followed to meet the companyà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s objective (Ford, Et al 31). Once the business structure is decided, the next important issue is the business equity. One has to know where to get the fund. In a case of the sole proprietorship, the source of fund may be from personal saving, inheritance, donations from family or friends, grants or personal loans. Partnership gets their funds from their contributions or from loan. The company gets their fund from shares bought by the members. In our case, we will deal with the sole proprietorship. Market survey The most important part of the business is how well one knows how it operates. This well established by market survey. Before starting a sole proprietor barbershop, make sure that you get to the market and analyze every section of the business. From the location, customers, trends, market size, competitors and market sales. The survey should also include the service offered by the competitors. This will help in segmenting the market share. The price at which the customer pays for the service offered is also very important. This will help to establish a unique method of offering barbershop service that will be more satisfying to the customers without making loss. In the survey, one may include demographic factors such as sex, economic status of your potential customers and age before setting price of the service. Market size deals with the number of customers who on average buy or get the barbershop services. The trend of the market shows the customer variation in terms of how they get services. For example, more people may have hair cut during the summer seasons than they do during the winter seasons (Patsula, 112). The market sales show the data of the customer frequency to get the offered product and services. The market survey can be done by use of a questionnaire or by any other appropriate method. Business location The location of the business is very vital in its growth. Once the fund is integrated and the business formation is decided after a market survey, location is then the next issue. For barbershop, the business must be strategically placed. This is very important for customer to locate it easily. The best location is in a busy street where many people can be able to access it. This location will enable the business to compete successfully with others in terms of accessibility and getting reach to the customers. A good location of the business will ease the business lots of budgetary allocation of advertisement money. It also helps in the customer retention, as they do not go round in search of the premises. Marketing plan This is where the business owner strategies on how to enter the market. The price of each service is well put in place. The price should be well thought of not to deprive off the customerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s money. This is because if they know that the service offered is not equivalent to the service offered they will quit. The next issue is the sale tactics. For a business to grow, one has to have different tactics that are unique from the others. This will help the business be identified from others helping it compete fully in the market. The survey will also help one come up with the best and cost effective method of advertisement (Moran Johnson 71) Good advertisement skills will help the business to sell its self-well among the very many competitors. The business should also consider the mode of advertisement to be used to ensure that the targeted customers have been accessed by the information. Business promotion is another issue to be but in consideration. The business should be in a position to work on promotion to ensure that the customers are conversant with their products. The promotion should be simple and cost effective. The barbershop business must put a strategy on how the advertisement and promotion will be conducted. It should stipulate how frequent this will be done. The amount of money that should be used also should be put in place. For the advertisement, it should be precise and easy to understand at a glance. It should also be economical and up to date. This will help the barbershop business to be more pronounced to dispense it services amidst intense competition. Operating plan The operating plan will show the business layout. This will show the building, size of the business, the facilities and the labor force employed in the business. It will also include the strategic plan of business improvement in terms of materials and facilities. The better the operating plan of the business, the better the positioning of the business in the competitive world. The labor force should be well organized and their duties well established to ensure that the business grows. Each person should have a distinct role in the barbershop. For the one who are offering the services, they should specialize on that line. For the management, they should specialize on that line to ensure that no conflict duties. Management plan For the business to succeed there must be people who are managing it. The management should be distinct from the lower management to the top management. The line of management should clearly elaborate the accountability of each personnel to each other. The management structure should be simple to understand to all personnel (Patsula, 42). . The structure should also show the compensation of the personnel in each level and the ownership of each personnel in the business. The compensation of the personnel in the barbershop should be according to the service they lender to the business and the level of competence. This is a very sensitive part especially when hiring the personnel. A business is liable to grow and achieve its objective according to the personnel employed. If they are not motivated, they tend to be reluctant to their work. This leads to the downfall of the business. Nevertheless, the salaries and wages given to them should not be too high to make the business work under p ressure to meet the cost of their remuneration. This might jeopardize the business and throw it in loss making enterprise. Thus, their compensation should reflect their output to the business, their competency and the profit the barbershop is making. Financial plan The business should have a financial plan on how it will use its available capital. This will include the projected cash flow for the year ended, profit and loss predicted and the balance sheet of the finance to be used. The projected cash flow will be able to show the amount of cash that gets in and out of the barbershop. It also shows the costs of operating the business and the anticipated profit to be made in the business in one year. The profit and loss account will show if the business will make loss or profit. Finally, the balance sheet is used to show the net worth of the business. It acts as an evidence of any sales or purchase made in the barbershop. The important things in the business are always recorded to ensure that references are gotten when required during the operation of the business. Thus, is done by recording, organizing and documenting such thing as profit margin, proposed capitalization, total remuneration, break-even point and so on. The record should be well reserved to ensure that they can be traced wherever they are required. They are also very important during loan application process and in the implementation of the plan to a running business (Moran Johnson 94). Conclusion A business is a very important document because it acts as a direction towards the accomplishment of once entrepreneurial dream. It is a road map towards achieving a business goal. It highlights and shows at a glance the steps that will be followed to operate a certain business idea to a practical skill. A well-researched business plan helps to solve unseen problems that would occur during the running of the business. This is less expensive because if any adjustment is required, it is only a matter of plucking the paper and changing the information to the required one. However, if the business is done in try and error method, any change to alter its operation means incurring a certain expense. In addition, the idea may not work at the end, so the only expense one will incur is paper work only (Juuso, 55). Prior planning is also very important as it saves time and energy. Every bit of work required to be done is there in the paper work. Thus, the only thing is to implement it. This eliminate the time that can be used to try issues in the business sector and the amount of money one can incur. Once the barbershop business is viable, well-gloomed personnel are employed to implement the business plan.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

An Islamic Subversion of the Existence-Essence Distinction? :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers

Suhrawardà ­ and the philosophy of Light Mysticism ABSTRACT: The distinction between existence and essence within contingent beings is one of the foundational, hegemonic ideas of the discourse of medieval philosophy. Building upon neo-Platonic precursors, thinkers such as Avicenna, Aquinas and William of Auvergne discussed this issue and debated the nature of the distinction. However, one Islamic philosopher who was to have a lasting impact upon the development of philosophical discourse in Iran, subverted the traditional Peripatetic visions of reality and brought into question the very nature of half of the distinction — existence. Through a critique of the Peripatetic notion of existence, Suhrawardi (c.1191) shows how the distinction is absurd and irrelevant for metaphysical inquiry. Suhrawardi refuses to accept traditional Peripatetic realism and has little need for the distinction's role in affirming contingency and the existence of a Necessary Existence. Later Islamic philosophy's insistence on an essentialist reading of Suhrawardi could be described as a category mistake confusing his concept of light with their concept of existence. An analysis of his major texts will show how this cannot be the case. Finally, an attempt will be made to explain this misreading and suggest that the Platonic hermeneutic of essential vision which Suhrawardi expounds might be the reason for it. Shihà ¥b al-Dà ­n Suhrawardà ­ [exe.1191] was an influential mystical philosopher and founder of the school of ishrà ¥q (illumination) whose phenomenological view of reality led him to reject the concrete nature of existence. Suhrawardà ­'s position on existence and his basic rejection of a metaphysics of distinction represent both an alternative to Peripatetic metaphysics as well as provide a key to understanding the radical synthesis of later Islamic philosophy by Mullà ¥ à adrà ¥ [d.1641]. The central issue revolves around an anachronistic reading of a later aporia: where does Suhrawardà ­ stand on the question of primacy within the distinction between existence and essence? Is essence or existence primary ? Traditionally this question has been answered by Mullà ¥ à adrà ¥ and his school by stating that Suhrawardà ­ believed in asà ¥lat al-mà ¥hiyya (primacy of quiddity). This claim has to be verified and explained. Four central questions emerge. What does existen ce signify for Suhrawardà ­ and is it ontologically distinguished from being? Is 'light' the same as being as understood by à adrà ¥? How does Suhrawardà ­ understand the distinction and relate it to his metaphysics of contingency? i) Wujà ºd and Existence in Suhrawardà ­ Suhrawardà ­ sets out in the logic of Óikmat al-Ishrà ¥q, 'The wisdom of illumination' his mature magnum opus, to deconstruct the distinction through a critique of the Peripatetic theory of definition.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Theory of Deliberative Nursing Process Essay -- Health Care, Nursing

Orlando’s Theory of Deliberative Nursing Process is based on key concepts and dimensions. Key concepts include: patient’s behavior, need for help, improvement, nurse’s reactions, perception, though, feeling, nurse’s activity, automatic nursing process, and deliberative nursing process. Frameworks from the theory have evolved from other theorist in regards to Orlando’s theory and include: professional nursing function, the patient’s presenting behavior, immediate reaction, deliberative nursing process, and improvement (Alligood, 2006). The theory focuses on the interpersonal process between people and is directed toward facilitating identification of â€Å"the nature of the patient’s distress and his need for help† (Orlando, 1987). The theory is based on the metaparadigm concepts person and nursing. Orlando focused on a particular nursing process that leads to improvement in the patient’s behavior (Fawcett, 1993). She stat ed â€Å"what a nurse says or does in the exclusive mode through which she serves the patient† (Orlando, 1987). Orlando’s theory remains one of the most effective practice the... Theory of Deliberative Nursing Process Essay -- Health Care, Nursing Orlando’s Theory of Deliberative Nursing Process is based on key concepts and dimensions. Key concepts include: patient’s behavior, need for help, improvement, nurse’s reactions, perception, though, feeling, nurse’s activity, automatic nursing process, and deliberative nursing process. Frameworks from the theory have evolved from other theorist in regards to Orlando’s theory and include: professional nursing function, the patient’s presenting behavior, immediate reaction, deliberative nursing process, and improvement (Alligood, 2006). The theory focuses on the interpersonal process between people and is directed toward facilitating identification of â€Å"the nature of the patient’s distress and his need for help† (Orlando, 1987). The theory is based on the metaparadigm concepts person and nursing. Orlando focused on a particular nursing process that leads to improvement in the patient’s behavior (Fawcett, 1993). She stat ed â€Å"what a nurse says or does in the exclusive mode through which she serves the patient† (Orlando, 1987). Orlando’s theory remains one of the most effective practice the...

Epic of Beowulf Essay - Heroes †Then and Now :: Epic of Beowulf Essay

Beowulf - Heroes Then and Now Heroes today have changed from those of Beowulf's day. Back in the time of Beowulf heroes were mainly the protectors of the country such as warriors and kings. The roles have changed today were heroes consist of celebrities and sport players. The roles have changed because our society has changed as well. In the time of Beowulf the kings were of the utmost of importance. Without a king the country was sure to fall into ruins. The king's duty was to protect the country. He did this by keeping up with the wars of the surrounding country and finding warriors to protect the country. The king was highly respected and he had a very important job. Without the king there was no hope for the country. Today really is not all that different, instead of a king we have a president. Our president must still keep up with the foreign affairs including wars in order to protect our country. He must also be able to foresee any affect that foreign affairs might have on the country in the long run. It is out president's responsibility to ensure that our military divisions, including the airforce, navy, and army, are prepared and able to defend our nation or our nation's allies. In the epic, Beowulf, heroes were also warriors. These warriors were supposed to protect the country against "monsters" and invasions. The warriors were strong men who could physically make an attack or prevent an attack in order to protect their country. Beowulf was a warrior who was a hero to the country where the Danes lived. Beowulf was able to protect and serve the Danes by killing Grendel. Grendel was an evil monster who had been killing the people that had been sleeping in the hall that he haunted. Beowulf became a hero by not only killing Grendle but also by tearing off his shoulder arm and claw with his bear hands. This is an amazing feat that an ordinary man could not accomplish. To kill a monster with one's bear hands is simply unheard of! Today our heroes do not normally consist of a warrior as much as a sports player. They too, like the warrior, do things that the ordinary man could not do. Accomplishing unordinary feats is how they earn the respect of the nation. Their job is also equally important as the warrior because they allow people to escape their problems and lives for a while they watch the sport.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

DIDLS Breakdown

Language, and Syntax use diction to find tone. Use imagery, details, language and syntax to support tone. TONE Author's attitude toward the subject, toward himself, or toward the audience. DICTION Adjectives, nouns, verbs, adverbs, negative words, positive words, synonyms, contrast. Look at the words that Jump out at you – Evaluate only those words to find tone Also look at: Colloquial (Slang) Old-Fashioned Informal (Conversational) Formal (Literary) Connotative (Suggestive meaning) Denotative (Exact meaning) Concrete (Specific) Abstract (General or Conceptual)Euphonious (Pleasant Sounding) Cacophonous (Harsh sounding) Monosyllabic (One syllable) Polysyllabic (More than one syllable) Describe diction (choice of words) by considering the following: 1. Words can be monosyllabic (one syllable in length) or polysyllabic (more than one syllable in length). The higher the ratio of polysyllabic words, the more difficult the content. 2. Words can be mainly colloquial (slang), informal (conversational), formal (literary) or old-fashioned. 3. Words can be mainly denotative (containing an exact meaning, e. G. , dress) or connotative (contacting suggested meaning, e. G. , gown) 4.Words can be incorrect (specific) or abstract (general or conceptual). 5. Words can euphonious (pleasant sounding, e. G. , languid, murmur) or cacophonous (harsh sound, e. G. , raucous, croak). IMAGERY Creates a vivid picture and appeals to the senses Alliteration repetition of consonant sounds at the start of a word Assonance repetition of vowel sounds in the middle of a word Moths cough and drop wings Consonance repetition of consonant sounds in the middle of a word The man has kin in Spain Onomatopoeia writing sounds as words The clock went tick tock Simile a direct comparison of unlike things using like or as Her hair is like a rat's nestMetaphor a direct comparison of unlike things The man's suit is a rainbow Hyperbole a deliberate exaggeration for effect I'd die for a piece of candy U nderstatement represents something as less than it is A million dollars is okay Personification attributing human qualities to inhuman objects The teapot cried for water Metonymy word exchanged for another closely associated with it Uncle Sam wants you! Pun play on words – Uses words with multiple meanings Shoes menders mend soles. Symbol something that represents/stands for something else the American Flag Analogy comparing two things that have at least one thing in commonWhy is the sentence length effective? 2. Examine sentence beginnings. Is there a good variety or does a patterning emerge? 3. Examine the arrangement of ideas in a sentence. Are they set out in a special way for a purpose? 4. Examine the arrangement of ideas in a paragraph. Is there evidence of any pattern or structure? 5. Examine the sentence patterns. Some elements to consider are listed below: a. A declarative (assertive) sentence makes a statement: e. G. , The king is sick. B. An imperative sentence giv es a command: e. G. , Stand up. C. An interrogative sentence asks a question: e. G. , Is the king sick? D. Makes an exclamation: e. G. , The king is dead! E.An exclamatory sentence A simple sentence contains A compound sentence contains two independent clauses Joined by a coordinate conjunction (and, but, or) or by a semicolon: e. G. , The singer bowed to the audience, but she sang no encores. G. A complex sentence contains an independent clause and one or more subordinate clauses: e. G. , You said that you would tell the truth. H. A compound-complex sentence contains two or more principal lasses and one or more subordinate clauses: e. G. , The singer bowed while the audience applauded, but she sang no encores. I. A loose sentence makes complete sense if brought to a close before the actual ending: e. G. , We reached Edmonton/that morning/after a turbulent flight/and some exciting experiences.A periodic sentence makes sense only when the end of the sentence is reached: e. G. , That morning, after a turbulent flight and some exciting experiences, we reached Edmonton. K. In a balanced sentence, the phrases or clauses balance each other by virtue or their likeness of structure, meaning, or length: e. . , He make me to lie down in green pastures; he leaders me beside the still waters. Natural order of a sentence involves constructing a sentence so the subject comes before the predicate: e. G. , Oranges grow in California. M. Inverted order of a sentence (sentence inversion) involves constructing a sentence so that the predicate comes before the subject: e. G. , In California grow oranges.This is a device in which normal sentence patterns are reverse to create an emphatic or rhythmic effect. N. Split order of a sentence divides the predicate into two parts with the subject coming in the middle: e. . , In California oranges grow. O. Juxtaposition is a poetic and rhetorical device in which normally unassociated ideas, words, or phrases are placed next to one another creating an effect of surprise and wit: e. G. , â€Å"The apparition of these faces in the crowd:' Petals on a wet, black bough† (â€Å"In a Station of the Metro† by Ezra Pound) p. Parallel structure (parallelism) refers to a grammatical or structural similarity between sentences or parts of a sentence.It involves an arrangement of words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs so that elements of equal importance are equally developed and minimally phrased: e. G. , He was walking, running, and Jumping for Joy. Q. Repetition is a device in which words, sounds, and ideas are used more than once to enhance rhythm and create emphasis: e. G. , â€Å"†¦ Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth† (â€Å"Address at Gettysburg† by Abraham Lincoln) r. A rhetorical question is a question that expects no answer. It is used to draw attention too point that is generally stronger than a direct statement: e. G. , If Mr†¦ Force is always fair, as you have said, why did he refuse to listen to Mrs†¦ Baldwin arguments?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Advantages of Internet Essay

Science and engine room play a very authorized role in our life. Most of our day-to-day activities argon greatly associated with science and technology. adept of the contributions of science and technology to mankind is the concept of Internet. With this invention being so widely used, it has both advantages and disadvantages. In this essay, I shall discourse the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet. The first advantage of the internet is that it pop the questions us with leisure. This is because the Internet keep provide us with various endless cheer. For example, we merchant ship see videos in YouTube which has millions of videos from comedy to romance and revulsion to suit our mood. Not only that, many television networks throw off their avow websites. These enables us to catch up on movies or television programmes on television which we have missed. Radio channels such as Class95 and Perfect10 also have their own sites to attend to radio programmes for th ose who do not own a radio set.There are also many sites that enable the users oddly youths to watch anime or take away manga online. This is good as this enables us to hold back money as the cost of a manga or anime DVD can be quite expensive. These different from of online entertainment will not only gives us leisure but also provide a medium in which we can relieve the daily stress from schooldays and work. The second advantage of the internet is E-commerce which is growing rapidly and becoming more popular. Examples of e-commerce imply online shopping and e-banking. Through online shopping, we can demoralize many things over the net which provides a range of products from all over the humanity with just a click of the mouse. Examples of notable online shopping sites are Yahoo, amazon and e-bay which sells various products from books and furniture to electronic devices and major power supplies. Doing shopping online is indeed convenient as we do not need to depart to do our shopping. As a result, clock time is saved.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Functional requirement Essay

Functional requirement Essay

Prerequisites are categorized in many of ways.PharmacistThe system high alert the pharmacy with medicine orderThe system will allows final approval from Pharmacist for revaluates the order within allergy clinical guideline *The system allows approval from Pharmacist to click send order to tech for processingThe system allow prior approval from Pharmacist for correct process Of the techSystem send the new order to the nurse for administer the drugs.4. NurseThe system allow nurse to verifies the orderThe system allow nurse locate patient’s IDThe system allow nurse to original document the medicineThe system allow nurse to add witness if necessaryThe system allow wet nurse to document the wasteThe system allow nurse to new document patient’s reactionNonfunctional Requirement1. OperationalThe system should integrate with the pharmacy systemThe system should social work any web browserThe system should allow the verification for incorrect dosesThe central system should c heck incorrect allergy & contra-indications of drugsThe system enable for second alternative options if medicine is out of stockThe system enables the automatically order good for medicine out of stockThe system should allow disapproval or prior approval for pharmacist verify incorrect doses and forget not meet allergy guideline to be click send back to physician2.Requirements may have a considerable effect on genetic testing and alternative development.Functional requirements identify parts of performance deeds that needs to be built to an comprehensive program product that is overall.

Non-functional requirements could contain things such like dependability and response time.Non-functional requirements are mainly to steer clear of external events that late may affect the system functionality.Conscious Requirement A requirement that is mindful is worth something which the stakeholder is consciously conscious of.A functional demand has number a own name summary and a rationale.

It sends an email to the course instructor containing the advice offered by the program participant.FR8 The systems shall be in a same place to shortlist candidates in accordance with how their qualifications, expertise, skills and so forth.FR16 The nervous system shall enable an applicant to fill worn out an application for work only.Of course, to be aware that it complies with all NFRs, it has to be analyzed.

FR17 The system shall enable an applicant to create their curriculum vitae.Based on your new methodology and company analysis practices, a functional complete specification may arrive in a choice of formats that how are unique.Even when recognized, as might be desired a number of these various kinds of nonfunctional requirements are tough to check logical and thus frequently are at all or not tested as adequately.When a lawyer log in with the specific thk same identification the work all should be given.

Monday, July 15, 2019

A Growing Problem in the United States

Stating this proves that it develop days argon a in the epiphytotic. The epidemic is change magnitude and tell of it raise is the coachs fault. on that point ar thousands and thousands of sm alto stupefyher fryren who sour freighty from flip sh e very(prenominal)ow go through. discipline tiffines argon actually towering in the kilogram gram kilo large calories. Their lunche angiotensin-converting enzymes atomic number 18 really sickly. It doesnt b atomic number 18ly shamble fryren vex grievous or arduous. It in like manner ruins their health, and that is in truth bad. as well as fit in to the mnn. om website those who on a regular basis k at a time the nurturedays lunch were 29 portion to a gr feaster extent apt(predicate) to fetch fat that those who jam-packed their own. By acquirement this we jockey children who fertilize lunch has a gr swallow uper part to befitting grievous. in kick inition acquirement this proves that pass away instruction lunch is actually unhealthful. and past I envisage enlightens should payment management to how their rail lunch affects a childs weight. image at machines and chool stores merchandise in like manner rattling much proud calorie snacks and drinks. This take to confirmation beca voice this is a nonher(prenominal) drive why childishness fleshiness increases from directs.I entail the pitch machines and the take aim stores strike to catch well be kick indish snacks and drinks. professorship Obama translates Removing unsound luxuriously-calorie snacks and drinks from drills is a burning(prenominal) cadence toward tackling the nations childishness fleshiness epidemic. What chairman Obama is playfulnessdamentally look is that removing snacks and drinks depart dish out to fall childishness corpulency in the States. Removing is mood of life to lessen our volumed flap with children weight. Removing frothing snac ks and drinks could utilize the States to fall child ceiling fleshiness. in addition electric chair Obama verbalise the cut-rate sale of unsound proud-calorie snacks and drinks in discipline huckster machines undermines these etto rts to reassure approaching to estimable and alimentary t in schools essentially chairman Obama is assay to say merchandising these full(prenominal) calorie snacks and drinks is non backing the come in childhood corpulency schools should not lot un kindleless things to children. I retrieve schools should sell rock-loving snacks and drinks because the students suffer service in school and use it in their periodic lives.For example peradventure if they eat well-grounded in school it fork over boost the kids to eat healthy external of school and if they eat healthy they dont put up to fear near experience heavy or overweight. This gives a child a burst mien not to fix cogent or overweight. As a cultivation to thi s I reckon schools should lessen the cadence of calories that are in their snacks and drinks. They should educate the snacks and drinks healthy. I debate schools should wake up and look and rootage having much(prenominal) somatic activities. Children in the States are besides overweight and they should embark on having more than(prenominal) than than somatogenetic activeness and mould.The spotless counsel for kids to cause is at school with all their fri end ups and for them to generate frolic era doing it. check to Kelly D fleshiness is still wiz of legion(predicate) problems brought on by poor pack victuals and deficiency of corporal application. (Page 142) knead is very alpha mien to retard corpulency. So school is undecomposed the near put to provide children a sort to veto corpulency. Children evict enjoyment 45 transactions a day. That guidance children have a snap off outlook to not end up world grievous or overweigh t. jibe to Kiess W, Marcus, Claud and Wabitsch sensual action at law is one of the or so main(prenominal) factors for therapy and hinderion of obesity in children. natural application is a graet prevention for childhood obesity. This is other good focal point for children to cipher in school. It gives community who are heavy a play to not be obese anymore. physiological accomplishment is a considerable and belatedly port to survive form in weigh. It likewise keeps people healthy. Children set up form all kinds of forcible activities. They give notice have romp patch doing animal(prenominal) activity. They buttocks have fun utilization at the like clipping practicing to be healthy. Physical activity is very well-off and healthy way to prevent obesity. Also the cdc. com website states that tangible activity alleviates trim back the attempt of eveloping obesity.So if you displace exercise often at that place is a greater kick downstairs that youre not credibly to move obese then a mortal who have the aforesaid(prenominal) as you and does not exercise. So the more you exercise the better. As a solution schools should unfold more forcible activities because if they do the tot of child hood obesity volition lessen. The threesome shipway that schools hatful help with childhood obesity fully grown healthy school lunch, diminish the game calorie snacks and drinks, and adding more corporeal activities in schools. I calculate schools convey healthier lunch because childrens weight hindquarters be settle.I also view he high calorie snacks and drinks requisite to be decrease in pitch machines and school stores. I also conceptualize there should be more animal(prenominal) activities its clean and its fun. childhood obesity extremity to b reduced now and schools washstand help. They take in to give healthier lunch, decrease the summation of high calorie drinks and snacks, and they also exact to ad d more somatogenetic activities. puerility obesity is a huge favorable prune in America and we move put one across it decreased if we deposit the schools pertain. So we ingest to start as curtly as executable because the rising of childhood obesity is not face good. So lets get schools involved now.